Here is a list of stores that currently carry HapBee Creative products. You will need to contact the store directly to see which items they carry.
If you don't see your LYS listed, let the owner know that you'd like to see HapBee Creative Studio products in their store and that we happily wholesale! Have them reach out on our Wholesale Inquiries page, or they can also now find HapBee Creative items on Faire.
The Yarnmonger
The Royal Bee Yarn Company
Black Squirrel Yarns
The Yarn Shop at Twin Falls
The Yarn Underground
Cloverhill Yarn Shop
The Yarn Bar
The Farmers Daughter Fibers
Yarning ABQ
The Yarn Store at Nob Hill
The Modern Skein
Handwork SLC
Julia's Shoppe
Knitting Hive
Needlepoint Joint
Petit Fours and Purls
Seed Stitch
Yarn on the Corner
Wasatch and Wool
Willow Hill
A Little Knitty
Hook and Needle
The Nifty Knitter
The Tea Cozy Yarn Shop
HapBee Creative Studios
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